Youth Retreat
Youth retreat at Camp Andrew's. Guest speaker Jon Sauder.
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Youth retreat at Camp Andrew's. Guest speaker Jon Sauder.
NCMF mothers of preschoolers playdate in the gym starting at 9:30 am. There are not enough church-owned bikes/ride-on toys to go around so please bring your own.
Youth small group, 7:30 pm. Snack: Isaac Hershberger
The youth will be babysitting at NCMF, 5:00p.m. - 10:00 p.m. for NCMF couples to have a Valentine’s evening out. A supper of chicken tenders, mac-n-cheese, applesauce & cookies will be provided to the children signed up. Donations accepted and proceeds will go towards the youth summer mission trip to Guatemala.
A mission team will be going to Costa Rica for a 12 day trip with VidaNet. They will be working in Carbon on a pastor’s house doing electrical wiring, plumbing, painting, welding, and installing windows and a kitchen. In the evenings, they will be doing prayer walks in the community. Team members: Sam Blank, Kevin […]
Youth church, 7:30 p.m. Snack: Lyndon, Kendrick C, Allison, Brin
Ladies Fellowship, 9:30am- 11:15am, with snack served at 9:15am. Dorcas Stutzman will be sharing her second part of 'Trust or Control'. Childcare will be provided. Invite a friend to attend with you!
Youth small group, 7:30 p.m. Snack: Marc Nolt.
Worship Practice, 7:30 p.m. Instrumentalists & Vocalists.
Saturday Men's Breakfast, 7:00am in the meeting room. Manny Zook will be our guest speaker. Men 15 years old and older are encouraged to attend. Please see the sign up sheet in the foyer. Cost is $5.00 for ages 15-18, and $10.00 for 18 and over.