Worship Team Practice
NCMF 529 Farmersville Rd, New Holland, PA, United StatesInstrumentalists
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We are invited to Camp Calvary with Hammercreek Youth Group.
Cornerstone youth group is invited. Snack: Conrad & Bethany S., Lyndon & Brooklyn S.
9:45 a.m. with a snack served at 9:30 a.m. Invite friends and relatives! The speaker will be Ruth Thomas on the topic ‘Rising Above Life’s Difficulties’. Childcare provided.
Speaker: Manny Zook. Topic: Choices- Turning ashes into beauty after bad life choices.
Helping to serve the meal at 6:00 p.m. at Honey Brook Youth Center.
Youth are welcome at Jeremy and Donna Weaver's house for games and snacks.
Snack: Marc N. & Bryce N.
Vocals & Instrumentalists