Prayer Meeting
NCMF 529 Farmersville Rd, New Holland, PA, United StatesPrayer meeting, 7:30 pm, meeting room.
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Prayer meeting, 7:30 pm, meeting room.
Youth retreat at Camp Andrew's. Guest speaker Jon Sauder.
NCMF mothers of preschoolers playdate in the gym starting at 9:30 am. There are not enough church-owned bikes/ride-on toys to go around so please bring your own.
Youth small group, 7:30 pm. Snack: Isaac Hershberger
The youth will be babysitting at NCMF, 5:00p.m. - 10:00 p.m. for NCMF couples to have a Valentine’s evening out. A supper of chicken tenders, mac-n-cheese, applesauce & cookies will be provided to the children signed up. Donations accepted and proceeds will go towards the youth summer mission trip to Guatemala.
A mission team will be going to Costa Rica for a 12 day trip with VidaNet. They will be working in Carbon on a pastor’s house doing electrical wiring, plumbing, painting, welding, and installing windows and a kitchen. In the evenings, they will be doing prayer walks in the community. Team members: Sam Blank, Kevin […]
Youth church, 7:30 p.m. Snack: Lyndon, Kendrick C, Allison, Brin
Ladies Fellowship, 9:30am- 11:15am, with snack served at 9:15am. Dorcas Stutzman will be sharing her second part of 'Trust or Control'. Childcare will be provided. Invite a friend to attend with you!
Youth small group, 7:30 p.m. Snack: Marc Nolt.
Worship Practice, 7:30 p.m. Instrumentalists & Vocalists.