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Discussion Night at Julie Hoover’s house (419 E. Church St., Stevens PA. 17578). Topic- The Spirit World. Please prepare by praying and reading the Word relating to this topic.
The Mullet Family will join us for our morning service. They will be leading our worship with singing and Duane Mullet will be bringing a message and sharing about their ministry, “Pain to Purpose”.
Snack: Marc & Bryce N.
Vocals & Instrumentalists
Following the morning service, we will hold our baptism at the Zimmerman Pond with a fellowship meal to follow. Everyone should bring enough sandwiches for themselves, plus extra for visitors. If your last name begins with A-Mu, please bring a large salad, if it begins with My-Z, please bring a large dessert. Set up/clean up: […]
River Float at Negley’s (name on mailbox), 200 Syner Rd., Annville PA. Leaving NCMF at 3:00 PM. Bring inner tubes, old sneakers/water shoes and dry clothes. Cookout afterwards. Girls bring something salty or sweet. Guys bring drink.
Meet at NCMF at 7:30 AM.