Youth New Year’s Eve Party
NCMF 529 Farmersville Rd, New Holland, PA, United StatesNew Year’s Eve party 7:00 p.m. at the Beachy’s.
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New Year’s Eve party 7:00 p.m. at the Beachy’s.
Everyone is invited to a New Year’s Eve Party in the NCMF gym from 8:00 p.m. - 12:15 a.m. There will be a big bounce for the children. You are welcome to bring table games and a finger food to share. Drink and paper supplies will be provided.
7:30 PM- Meeting room
Ladies Day Out, 10am-10pm in the meeting room. Come for all or part of the day. Bring your favorite hobby along and a covered dish for lunch. Soup will be provided for the evening meal.
Youth small group, 7:30 pm. Snack: Jaxon Weaver
Worship team practice. 7:30 pm- instruments
Youth church, 7:30 pm. Snack: Paxton, Nathan, Kristen & Kelsey
Lay pastor training in the meeting room at 7:30 pm. Topic- brain storming and vision.
Ladies Fellowship 9:45am - 11:15am with snack served at 9:30am. Dorcas Stutzman will be sharing with us on "Trust or Control", a two part topic (part two will be shared on February 23). Childcare is provided. Invite a friend to attend with you!
Youth small group, 7:30pm. Snack: Kendra Groff